Tuesday, February 4, 2020

How to writte a motivational letter to study in abroad for textile engineering???

 টেক্সটাইল ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং এ  উচ্চশিক্ষার জন্য আপনাকে অবশ্যই একটি মোটিভেশনাল লেটার লিখতে হবে , সেই ক্ষেত্রে আপনাকে যে দিক গুলো লক্ষ্য রাখতে হয় তার একটি অনুলিপি নিচে দেয়া হলো।


প্রথমে আপনার  পরিচয় ও পড়ালিখা সম্পর্কে  একটি ধারণা দিতে হবে। 

উদাহরণ :
My name is XYZ, ......years old, Bangladeshi by nationality, has completed my graduation in the field of Textile Engineering from "X" university of Bangladesh ,"ADDRESS " from which I have received bachelor of science in textile engineering (...... credits) degree under science and engineering faculty of this university with Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) "X" out of 4.00 and I am applying for the masters course …………………… to ………….university. In Addition, as you can see in my CV that I have had extensive experience working for …...............

 বাক্য গঠন ভুল থাকতে পারে ,আপনি আপনার মতো করে লিখবেন। 
কপি করা থেকে বিরত থাকুন। 

তারপর আপনার দেশে আপনার ডিগ্রী এর চাহিদা  কেমন ,ভবিৎষত কি ,এগুলা সম্পর্কে লিখুন। 

Textile Industry has become the economic backbone of Bangladesh. More than 78% of the foreign currency comes from this sector .But it is really very miserable that there is absolutely no scope of higher study and research for textile professionals in Bangladesh. The person who wants to be skillful in this sector can only achieve a simple B.Sc degree as his highest academic degree as the scope of doing M.Sc or Ph.D. in the Bangladeshi Universities is very rare. So, In contrast, nowadays some private university offer M.Sc. degree so there is the obligation of going abroad for the higher study in Textile Engineering.

এরপর আপনার ব্যাচেলর বিষয় এর উপর একটি ধারণা দিন, কেন আপনি এই বিষয় নিয়া পড়ালিখা করছেন। আপনার ভাষায় লিখুন সুন্দর করে।
I really need to kick off with the point that, textile engineering is an multidisciplinary research program in which physics, chemistry, mathematical tools as well as trade & marketing and variety of textile applications including developing of fibre to fabric system also finishing processes that convey textile colors and conjugation value of a fabric. On the other hand, an engineer is more likely to be an efficient manager, cloth and fashion designer and buyer. Consequently, I also desire to become such one by taking advantages of my engineering potentiality adding the degree of…………
এরপর আপনার সৃজনশীলতা সম্পর্কে বলুন ,আপনার ব্যাচেলর এর থিসিস সম্পর্কে বলুন ,এই থিসিস নিয়ে  ভবিৎষতে কোনো কাজ করতে চান কিনা।  এরপর আপনি  যে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে পড়তে চান সেটার সম্পর্কে এবং সেই দেশ সম্পর্কে  আপনার কাঙ্খিত ডিগ্রী সম্পর্কে লিখুন। 

নোট: আমি আমার ভাষায় লিখেছি , আপনি আপনার ভাষায় লিখুন। ........ কপি কইরেন না।  

I would love share that very first quality I have is enthusiasm about research and precision of work. During my project work I had a practical experience on "..................... ”and it is under processing for publication in an international journal. By combining my research, academic skills and experience with the wisdom from desired subject……..........(programs's name) i will have the confidence to accumulate my ideas and strategies. So, I would like to do more research if i am given that kind of opportunity, the subject……… was always my favouriate while I was in my Bachelor studies. As per my knowledge, Germany is the hub of research in Europe. In Germany, students have great opportunity to do research on different critical issues such as smart textiles and innovation. Textile Universities in Germany provide a strong platform fr a textile engineer's career. Now a days the new manifested machines are widely used. After completing intended graduation one can apply for his higher education in Germany. Besides education student can easily get work permit. One can earn and continue his study by earning. If someone interested more such as permanent residence, he needs to be regular in German language course. Because, Germany is giving priority of German language. There are different universities for different studies on textile. Some are famous for fashion designing. Some are famous for wet process technology or dyeing or coloration, some are famous for fabric designing. some institute good for researching.

আরো একটি যুক্তি সংযুক্ত করুন কেন এই দেশটি আপনি বাছাই করেছেন ?

I suppose I should begin by highlighting the fact that ,I have searched many universities in the UK,USA, Netherlands , Sweden as well as in China. But the biggest thing is that no other country is flexible as Germany in case of the rules and regulations for an international student.

 আপনি যদি অফার লেটার পান  এবং মাস্টার্স এ পড়ালিখার সুযোগ পান , ভবিৎষতে  কিভাবে কাজে লাগাবেন সেটা সম্পর্কে লিখুন। 

However, my object of life is to dish up the world by nursing my nation so in my view, Enterprising for my country is a way of prompt for the world. Though coming from a developing country and growing up in a financially middle class family, it has always been taking exception for me to for higher studies in abroad being one of the best textile university in the Germany,……x…….University will  enhance my conviction and  I will show my intelligence by your judgement and highest level of my devotion  by which both I and my country will be benefited if I would get this admission .