A large part of the textile engineering curriculum is practical education history, science, literature, engineering ... how many subjects are there in our universities. It is difficult to decide what I will read. In this section on dreaming, we introduce each subject. Shakirul Islam, Lecturer in Weight Processing Engineering, Bangladesh Textile University, spoke about textile engineering today. this page has translated by google.
What is taught?
There is a common misconception about textile engineering. Many people think that textile engineering is taught to make clothes. But this has nothing to do with making clothes. The basics of textiles are mainly taught in textile engineering. The subject of this study is how to make a yarn suitable for making cloth from fiber, or how to make a fabric comfortable. Possibilities and uses of non-combustible, heat-resistant, chemical-resistant or water-resistant fabrics — all of these are taught in textile engineering. This includes textile engineering, not just engineering, but everything from everyday wear to specialized (such as jackets for firefighters or astronauts' suits). The negative impact on the environment of this huge textile sector for the world's 600 million people
Prevention is also part of textile engineering. From the fashion innovation of new designs to the maintenance of machinery or ensuring the quality of the finished product .all these are taught in textile engineering.
What is the future?
The future of a student who has passed out in textile engineering is bright. The textile sector is constantly growing. The use of textiles are increasing in various sectors including medical equipments, automobiles, aerospace, geo-textiles. Nowadays in developed countries, from microchips to huge buildings, bridges, weapon structures, bulletproof clothing — these composite materials are being made with high-strength fiber.
If we talk about jobs, we will say that we are not able to provide even half of the amount of textile engineers that our country needs. Anyone who passes in textile engineering can easily get involved in garment industry. So far our students are usually accustomed to two types of jobs. Merchandiser of factory production and buying house. Although the salaries of merchandisers are relatively high in the beginning, when those involved in production begin to become experienced, their demand increases, as do their salaries.
Where is the career?
Textile mills, factories, buying houses, human resources, fashion designing, marketing are all open to textile engineers. Reading textile engineering is not just a matter of working in a textile mill, factory. Those of us here who are studying industrial production or machine design, machine maintenance, can also contribute to other work besides textiles. If one wants to be an entrepreneur, there are endless opportunities for him. No one is designing textile machines in our country yet. We have to depend on foreigners for instruments. Our production is going on with the machines made by them. Apart from this, if any device is damaged, people from foreign companies are coming and fixing it. All in all, the factory is losing 20-25 days of production. And foreigners have high wages. Or suppose, our country does not yet have its own machinery or institution to maintain the quality of manufactured products. There are a few companies that are all foreigners. Maybe our local engineers are working there, but the owners of the company are foreigners. In addition, we do not yet have any good quality 'dice chemical' made by ourselves. Work is going on by importing from abroad. Today's young entrepreneurs can think about these sectors if they want.
Lately, many are going to study abroad(germany,china,hongkong,USA,UK...) after graduating in textile engineering. Some are returning to the country after graduation, PhD and joining the job, some are looking for a job in that country.
Who will read?
As the chances of success in the textile sector are high, so is the challenge. As such, those who love to take up the challenge are welcome in the textile sector. Chemistry covers a large part of textile engineering. Knowledge of physics required for machinery. As well as those who like to read chemistry, physics or think about it, they can also read. Go to science subjects
Don't be afraid, for those who are interested in tackling new challenges, textile engineering can be a very good subject for study.